Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chronicles of Never in Store NOW!!!

Woohoooooo, Finally !!!!!!!!!!

Yes people, cheer for it! It's the time to treat yourself... Chronicles of Never is here.. and it is ready to be sold! And the greatest thing hasn't come yet, let me tell you, the price here and originally in Australia is the same! So don't worry if you think it will be overpriced, it won't make a difference if you ask your friend to bring one for you from overseas.

We have all the basic apparel-the Rotten Apple Tee (the regular tee model, wide neck and the long one; you can wear it as a dress!), the ORB Tee and singlet, MEM Brain Tee, Noir Tee, Monochromatic vest and coat, Denim, and shoes (yes, you read it right!). Styles are available from size S, M and L, all are unisex, and for the printed tee mostly only come in ONE SIZE EACH. Ouch! I know you better not let someone buy it before you, even if it's your friend. The good thing, it's become limited, and makes it much more worth it to spend a little bit more and you'll be the only one who has it here.

Mark your calendar to attend our special "brand housewarming" for Chronicles of Never, details will be announced very soon. Meanwhile, please enjoy the "housewarming" special 10%discount for the brand a whole week (May 22-29, 2009).

For further information or price enquiries please call us at 021-7892402.

Much love,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fab.E store

Firstly, apology for the delay of our website so we finally decided to launch the blog instead (for now). As for the first post, it is necessary to briefly introduce Fab.E, the store.

What Fab.E means...
extraordinary, esp. extraordinarily large : fabulous riches.
• informal amazingly good; wonderful :
a fabulous two-week vacation.
• having no basis in reality; mythical : fabulous creatures.

1. Intense joy or delight.
2. A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self-control: an ecstasy of rage.
3. Not the MDMA.

You know you can’t get enough of shopping or dressing good. But if you shop or dress right, you’ll feel extremely happy. I designed the place for people to fulfill their happiness meter by dressing fabulous, young parents could dress their children more fabulous than ever. With designers that are unique, and most of them are never been sold in Indonesia, we are proudly to introduce them through Fab.E, you’ll find your good feelings here.

The Brands...
- Chronicles of Never (Australia)
- Vlieger & Vandam (Rotterdam)
- Paris House (New Zealand)
- Thousand Reasons (Australia)
- SEWN (Australia)
- White Kitten (Australia)
- Stardust (UK)
- Walnut (Australia)
- Nikicio (Indonesia)
- Malmo (Australia)
- Madame Flamingo (Singapore)
- RittenHouse (Australia)

That's about it, I supposed, and you can find us at...
Jl. Benda Raya no.35-37B
Kemang, South Jakarta
(near Loca!, Kedai, and ATM BCA)
Ph. 021- 7892402

If you feel fabulous, please come by, you may find what you're looking for and then you can fulfill your happiness by shopping with us! See you.

Fab.E team